You can add multiple versions of PhotoResize to the context menu, just make sure you set a Command Name that represents the task PhotoResize is setup/named for.Your company’s photos are critical for earning customer trust and making more sales. To be able to use PhotoResize via the context menu, you need double-click PhotoResize, define the "Command Name", and then click on "Add to context menu". Once you renamed PhotoResize (or created a copy with a different name), you can drag&drop files on top of it, and it will process it according to the way you named it and save the modified version to a new file. PhotoResize400Q50.exe - set compression quality to 50%. PhotoResize400Y.exe - process portrait (width < height) pictures only. PhotoResize400X.exe - process landscape (width >= height) pictures only. PhotoResize400V.exe - auto-rotate be EXIF tag. PhotoResize400A.exe - use arithmetic compression. PhotoResize400E.exe - preserve file modification time in addition to file creation time. PhotoResize400I.exe - overwrite source files. PhotoResize400U.exe - skip files already existing in the destination location. PhotoResize400O.exe - do not wait for Enter. PhotoResize400S.exe - skip files already smaller than the requested size. PhotoResize400C.exe - place files to current folder (current folder can be specified in shortcut properties). PhotoResize400R.exe - process recursivelly all sub-folders. The last number (0-9) controls canvas brightness.Īdditional options for the best image resize freeware! PhotoResize400x300x5.exe - extend canvas and resize to 400×300 pixels. The central part is preserved and resized while the borders are cropped. PhotoResizeA400x300.exe - crop and resize to 400×300 pixels. PhotoResizeG1024x768.exe - use content-aware resizing to change aspect ratio while preserving content.
PhotoResizeK20.exe - resize to approximate maximum size of 20kB. PhotoResizeD100T.exe - overwrite the resolution information in the header without touching the pixels. PhotoResize400x300.exe - resize to exactly 400×300 pixels. Width automatically computed to keep aspect ratio. PhotoResizeH400.exe - height set to 400 pixels. Height automatically computed to keep aspect ratio. PhotoResizeW400.exe - width set to 400 pixels. The resulting image width will be smaller or equal to 400 and its height will be smaller or equal to 300 pixels. PhotoResizeF400x300.exe - frame size of 400×300 pixels. PhotoResize_400.exe - minimum side 400 pixels. PhotoResize400.exe - maximum side 400 pixels. The way you "configure" PhotoResize is by changing its name, or creating a copy of it with a new name, below are a few examples of how you can rename PhotoResize, and what effects it will have. For clarity, I will refer to the file as PhotoResize from now on. The tool comes in the form of a single executable file called "PhotoResize400.exe",it does not have to be installed, but you can add it to your context menu.
#Resize image freeware free#
The best image resize freeware is called Free Batch Photo Resizer, it is only available for Windows, but apart from that… flaw… it is by far best tool I have found in terms of simplicity. And best of all, you can setup each particular resize task you do regularly in the context menu, and the tool will create a new modified version of it. Truly the best image resize freeware, including changing the dpi, and more. Today I finally found the perfect solution for any task, and it's as easy as eating pie. I seriously can't remember the amount of times I have been asked for the best image resize freeware, to change the photo size or the dpi of an image. Author: Gyro Best Image Resize Freeware – Change photo size, dpi, easy!